Chronojump is used on many scientific publications. Just search “Chronojump” on Google Scholar to check those publications.

- Read main article on validation on jumps.
- Read Spanish PhD on Creation and validation of tools
Chronojump software can be installed in any computers you want without limits for any researcher or team. There are no fees for using or upgrading our products.
We are ready to be partners on University research projects.
Chronojump allows to access the raw data.
Published articles using Chronojump (classified by our sensors)
You can find the updated peer reviewed papers using the Chronojump in this Zotero collection []
- Papers using the Chronojump Encoder []
- Papers using the Chronojump force sensor []
- Papers using the Chronojump contact platform []
- Papers using the Chronojump photocells []
- Paper using chronojump Raceanalyzer []
If you published peer-reviewed papers using our encoders not listed here, just contact us.
The Chronojump team is pleased to announce the resolution of the first edition of the Chronojump Research Award.
Among all the publications of 2018 that have used the Chronojump Bosco-System technology and having evaluated the publications that fulfilled the requirements of the contest, the court has decided that the winner is:
Basilio Pueo, Jose M. Jimenez-Olmedo, Patrycja Lipińska, Krzysztofk Buśko y Alfonso Penichet-Tomas (2018). “Concurrent validity and reliability of proprietary and open-source jump mat systems for the assessment of vertical jumps in sport sciences” Full text
The evaluation committee wanted to make a special mention to the article:
Víctor Illera-Domínguez, Sergi Nuell , Gerard Carmona, Josep M. Padullés, Xavier Padullés, Mario Lloret, Roser Cussó, Xavier Alomar and Joan A. Cadefau (2018). “Early Functional and Morphological Muscle Adaptations During Short-Term Inertial-Squat Training.” Frontiers in Physiology 9(1265). Full text
Due to the participation of Chronojump members in the study, the evaluation committee decided to leave it out of the contest, considering fair and necessary to make the present mention.